Simple tips to maintain a clean and organized space
If you are struggling with time management and stress reduction, then keeping a clean home may be a great place to start. It might not sound like it, but a clean, organized home is a wonderful stress relief tool.
If you’re busier than ever, the last thing you want to do is more work. However, keeping your home organized and clean can be surprisingly stress-relieving and help you combat everyday frustrations. With that in mind, the list below explores simple tips to maintain a spick-and-span home, minus the back-breaking effort:
Tip 1: Clean As You Go
By making a habit of cleaning as you go, you will be staying ahead of the clutter. It’s easier to stay on top of clutter when there isn’t much to begin with! For example, if you have a mail basket at your desk, put the mail you have opened there.
If you have a stack of papers that you need to review when you’re done, put them in a folder or a tray. Then do the same thing when you’re cleaning up after meals. A small amount of effort can go a long way in keeping your home free from mess!
Tip 2: Regularly Wipe Surfaces to Prevent Grime from Building Up
No matter how tidy you are, there’s no avoiding getting dirt and grime around the house. Wiping down all of your surfaces with a damp cloth several times per week is a great way to prevent dirt from collecting and to keep the home clean.
A great way to do this is to schedule a “wipe day” once per week to tackle the big clean. By doing this, you will be reducing the need for an intensive, last-minute clean before guests come over or before you have to leave for work.
Tip 3: Donate or Toss Out Items You Don't Need
It’s hard to keep the home tidy if you have too much stuff to begin with. Worn-out or outdated items should be donated or tossed out. Meanwhile, some items can be repurposed into something new. Either way, items that are cluttering up your living space should be sorted out and removed from your home.
Tip 4: Place Things Back Where They Belong Immediately After Use
Similar to the first tip, it's best to put things back where they belong after each use. You can do this by assigning a specific space for each item, or by putting away things in the same place each time.
This helps to keep things tidy and organized. You can also make it easier on yourself by using hooks or bins to store items that need to be returned to the same place each time.
The Bottom Line: Leave the Heavier Chores and Deeper Clean-Ups to Professional Cleaning Services
Spending your valuable time cleaning is simply taking away from the time you have to do other things. No matter how much you love to clean, there will always be other important things to do. Let the professionals at Queen Bee Cleaning Services help you out! We can tailor our services to fit your specific needs and help you declutter your life.